Does Your Home Feel Chaotic? Here’s What You Need to do

Photo by Jarek Ceborski on Unsplash

Your home can have a huge impact on how you feel, and your quality of life. If your home is cluttered, likely, your mind is too, and your home causes you some level of stress. While you might not be bothered about keeping it organised, coming into a home that is messy and cluttered can have a knock-on impact on how you feel. Many people report that when their home is clean and clear, they can think more clearly and enjoy coming home. 

A cluttered home can also impact your quality of life. In addition to causing stress, it can be much harder to locate things that you need, more challenging to get around the home, and less clean. 

A chaotic home, one that is not purposely decorated that way, can wreak havoc on your life. The best thing you can do is take some time to organise your home according to your lifestyle. 

There are many ways to do this. The task may seem very overwhelming to tackle at first, especially if your whole house needs addressing. Here are some helpful top tips to help you get started with creating a home that feels good to come home to. 

#1 Assess the situation

Rather than trying to jump right in, it can be helpful to take a step back, gain some perspective and assess the situation. This will give you time to consider the best course of action to tackle your home, but also what you would like to do with your belongings. 

It might be that you just need to organise your home and find a place for things. Or it might be that you need a good clear out and get rid of some items that you no longer need.  

#2 Consider your house as a whole

Many people will only consider the most common rooms in their home, such as the living room and bedroom. While this is great, you must consider your house as a whole. If you don’t, the task will not feel finished and you will not get the sense of calm that you are trying to achieve. One of the most commonly missed areas is the garden. More often than not, gardens are overgrown and filled with debris and junk. This isn’t going to be slight when looking out the windows.

#3 Make a plan of action 

Putting everything you think of and decide into a plan of action will help you tackle decluttering in an orderly way. It can be satisfying to tick the plan off as you go and watch your progress. 

In your plan, write out the order in which you will tackle your clear-out. You should also detail your findings from your assessment and how you will organise everything. You may require a wooden garden shed to organise all your tools so your outside space can be utilised as an extension of your home. You might need some shelving and storage units in your living room to store away items that you don’t need out. 

Decluttering your home can be a challenge, but with an assessment and plan of action, you can get started easily!