Stop Comparing Your Home to Others & Make Yours a Place You Want to Be

Photo by Kirill on Unsplash

With platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, many people regularly fall into the comparison trap. Not only for all the fancy trips people are taking or the ever-evolving beauty standards, but also for the luxurious homes people are creating for themselves. 

In the era of influencers, what you see online is not always as easy as it seems. Many people who are showcasing these lovely homes on their social media platforms are there because they are being sponsored and have been gifted all the items. This isn’t the case for everyone, and doesn’t have to be the case for you either. 

When you can get out of the comparison trap, you can shift your energy and attention onto your own home and make it the oasis that you look forward to coming home to every day. 

It doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. If you can invest just a little time and energy into your home, shift your mindset and pour in a little budget, you will be able to transform your home as well as how you feel about it. 

To help you on your journey to stop comparing your home to others and make it a place you want to be, here are some top tips. 

Work on your mindset 

Many people will have a mindset where they constantly think about all the things they don’t have and all the things that other people have. This can be very consuming and lead to a very lonely and unhappy life. It won’t be a quick fix, but regularly, try to catch yourself when you are thinking this way and reframe your thoughts into something more neutral or positive. Consider what things you do have and what you are grateful for in your life. 

Write out what you want for your home

You can spend your time and effort thinking about what other people have and what you don’t, or you can think about the small actions that you can take that might get you closer to where you want to be in life. Many people don’t realise that they have more resources and capabilities than they give themselves credit for. Make a list or a vision board of your ideal home. You can then set this as your big goal to aim towards. Reverse engineer your goals and consider what you need to get there, and how you can do it with your budget. 

Examples of free and paid upgrades worth your time

There are many things you can do for free that will change your home but will require effort and time. These are things like decluttering, cleaning and reorganising your furniture more optimally. 

There are also things you should invest your money into to customise your home. You may first consider how you can change the colours and themes in your home to personalise it to your needs. Next, upgrade your flooring. Flooring is just one change but can completely change the way your home looks and feels. This beautiful herringbone flooring is not only trending but screams luxury for a good price. You can then consider low-cost decor, artwork and plants that you can add to your home. Many decor pieces you will be able to find in thrift stores. 

Turn your home around by changing your mindset. Stop focusing on what you don’t have, and start focusing on how you can make your home your own.