Ben & Anna Cruelty-Free Bath Salts

Do you know what I’m falling back in love with? Baths. If you follow me on Instagram or know me in real life, you will be well aware that during lockdown I became obsessed with luxury bathing rituals and I spent a small fortune on bath salts, oils and fancy candles. I even created an extra Instagram account for all things bathing.

Then life went back to normal and that money I spent on fancy bath things was better spent on those much-missed beauty appointments and my lavish baths fell by the wayside. However, one thing I’ve never given up buying on repeat is bath salts. This is because salts are amazing for your skin and also create an altogether more relaxing and stress-busting bath. And, you don’t have to spend a fortune on bath salts to get those benefits. This brand I’m about to tell you about creates premium products without the sky high price tag.

When this little Lavender bath salt creation from Ben & Anna landed in my lap, I couldn’t wait to try it. First of all, it’s cruelty-free! If you haven’t heard of Ben & Anna before, they promise to use only natural products that harness the power of nature. Hello, sea salt. Now we all know that sea salt is wonderful for your skin but this concoction is infused with Lavender for that extra boost of relaxation.

So, if you need a spot of pampering or you know someone who does, Ben & Anna have the ultimate little luxury to sprinkle in your bath after a stressful day. The packaging is cute as a button and this would make the perfect gift for a friend or family member. Shop the bath salts here.