Neäl and Wolf Haircare Review


Hello lovely readers, today I have quite the treat for you. Good hair days, we all want them but spending a couple of weeks in the sun has done my hair no favours and if I’m honest it’s looking more than a little frazzled now I’m back on British soil. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve sat down to write a detailed beauty review but I’ve been waiting for something fabulous to share with you and after testing out the Neal and Wolf haircare range for the last two weeks I’m more than a little bit smug about the results. As a blogger, I’m lucky to be able to try lots of different beauty products but it’s rare that a product will find a place in my weekly beauty routine and I only share the products that genuinely change my life for the better. Who cares if we are still hiding our hair under a brolly in June? A good hair day is imminent thanks to Neal and Wolf. Did I mention the range is cruelty free? *polishes halo*


I love coming home after a holiday. I love my White Company bed sheets, I love my Jo Malone bath oil and I love slipping on my silk pyjamas and catching up on all the good TV I missed while galavanting around some sparkly new destination. However, once the initial excitement of sleeping in my own bed wears off, the holiday blues set in and you realise you are at some point going to have to haul your ass to the gym to burn off all of those calories you thought wouldn’t find their way to your hips. It’s more than a little soul destroying but one thing that always lifts my spirits is a spot of pampering. There is something really satisfying about testing out a new brand and seeing how your hair reacts to it over time. Until two weeks ago I’d never heard of Neal and Wolf but my hair is very grateful for the discovery. Here’s a little run down of the products I’ve been using:

The Harmony Shampoo £14.50


AKA one of the best things you will put on your hair. Ever. The Neal and Wolf team kindly sent me a range of their products to try and the very first one I put to the test was the Harmony shampoo. My first thought was how posh the packaging was. It is definitely a pretty addition to your bathroom but it is so much more than a pretty exterior. I use John Frieda shampoo religiously so I was intrigued to swap this for a shampoo that wasn’t designed for blondes but all hair types. One of my favourite things about this shampoo is the consistency. It has a clay-like consistency that smells incredible and it provides a luxurious cleansing experience that is a lot more enjoyable than my usual shampoo.

Harmony Treatment £13.50


I followed the shampoo with the Harmony treatment which is a really intense conditioner and left this on for a few minutes before rinsing. I was really looking forward to testing out this product as my hair reacts really well to intensive conditioners and hair masques are one of the beauty products that I don’t mind paying a little bit more for. So with my hair cleansed and conditioned, I began the lengthly process that is drying it eager to see the results. Usually I just attack the tangles with my tangle teaser and blow dry it, applying nothing more than a bit of volumising mousse but in the spirit of testing out more products I got to work with the heat protection spray.

Heat Protection Spray £11.50


The most exciting part of testing this product was realising that being purple it matched my tangle teaser (sad I know). I’ve never used a heat protection spray before *guilty face* so I didn’t really have anything to compare it to but I did like the feel good factor of knowing my hair was protected.


I probably wouldn’t repurchase this product simply because if I’m going to spend over £11 on any type of haircare it will probably be the amazing clay-like shampoo that I’m actually rather obsessed with. That being said, like the other products it had a delicious scent and didn’t weight my hair down at all.

Super Shine Spray £12.50


Again, this product is more of a little luxury than a necessity so I’m not going to tell you that you need it in your life. That being said, everyone could do with a little help in the shine department and it is very handy when your hair needs a little pick me up. The super shine spray has the same heavenly scent as the other products in the range so it’s great for the days when you don’t have time to wash and blow dry your hair and is perfect to use after a spritz of dry shampoo.


Throughout the day, I couldn’t help but notice that my hair smelled amazing and I even got a complement from my other half. The products are quite heavily scented and it does linger for hours after making you feel like you’ve spent the morning in a really posh salon. These products are not the most affordable and they don’t come with Boots Advantage card points (annoying I know) but they are totally worth investing in when you fancy treating yourself to an evening of pampering. I can’t recommend the shampoo and conditioning treatment enough if your hair is a bit damaged.

If you’ve tried any of the Neal and Wolf products leave me a little comment as I’m pretty sure this is only the beginning of my love affair with this brand.