4 Stylish Ways To Add Privacy To Your Home

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

So, you’ve spent time and effort creating the perfect haven for you and your family. The only issue left is privacy. Whether you have nosey neighbors that like to peek at what you’re doing or you want to create more privacy within your home for each person living there, there are a few solutions. 

Everyone needs a space of their own to retire to when they need some R&R. If you’d like to create that space for yourself and your family, here’s some inspiration.

Rearrange Your Furniture

Yes, it really could be that simple. If your furniture is arranged in such a way that you’re in the direct eyeline of the house opposite, you may be getting fed up with neighbors peering in. Moving your furniture around so you aren’t spending your time near to windows could solve the problem.

Although people may be able to see what you’re doing when you’re near your window, they may not be able to see you further into the room. Rearranging your furniture gives you the chance to Feng Shui your room and can also help you to separate your spaces.

Room Separators

For those who want to pair privacy with creativity, room separators are ideal. They come in a variety of different materials, sizes, and designs so you can find exactly what you need. If you have older children in your home who want their own privacy, this is a quick and stylish option.

You can even create your own room divider from scratch. If you like to put brush to canvas, you can have a bespoke divider designed and put your own art on it to incorporate your style and personality into the room.


There are so many benefits to using blinds for privacy. There may come a time of day when you want to shut the rest of the world out from your home. It not only adds a sense of security but comfort and style too.

However, when you use blinds, you won’t have to block out all of the light and you can still get a breeze from an open window when temperatures are high. There are lots of options to choose from when you search Roman Blinds UK.

Plants and Trees

Both indoor and outdoor plants can offer some privacy for your property. Tall indoor plants can block views into your windows or help to separate rooms in your home. Indoor plants offer better indoor air quality and add timeless style to the home.

For instance, planting tall plants, bushes, or hedges in a semi-circle around your lower level windows is enough to stop people from looking into your property. When you want to make sure you have absolute privacy, planting trees around your property will not only block onlookers but could also add value to your home.

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