So, I recently navigated my first holiday with a baby and let me tell you that trying to pick a baby-friendly hotel without sacrificing luxury is no easy feat. We picked a boutique hotel that catered for babies, (ie baby friendly but not designed specifically for children) but that meant we got a few scowls from the guests who weren’t overly fond of being on a sun lounger next to a crying baby. I get it, I mean we chose the luxury boutique hotel because we didn’t want to be surrounded by crying babies but then we didn’t get the advantage of a creche or an on-site babysitter. Cue tears before bedtime (mine not Jolie’s). There were many things I would do differently and one of those would be to throw myself into the thick of travelling with a baby and rather than trying to create those holidays of old, sipping a daiquiri on a sunlounger, I’d visit a destination that is made with small people in mind and where better to do that than Disney World? Whether they want to meet their favourite character or ride the fastest roller coaster in Florida, Disney World is where dreams come true. VINTAGE PICS INCOMING!

America has always had a special place in my heart and as an adult, I have always felt drawn to it when planning a vacation which explains why I tend to visit the USA every year without fail. Whether it’s the picturesque East Coast or the bright lights of Las Vegas, I have jumped on a flight to the USA annually since I can remember.

Disney World has an extra special place in my heart as it’s one of the destinations I visited twice with my mum and auntie when I was little. I still have the autograph book I brought home as well as countless Minnie mouse soft toys. I vividly remember the swirling teacups and the ET ride, the Indiana Jones ride and the magic of the boat ride called It’s a Small World After All. I have album after album of us all dressed in rain macs, smiles plastered on our faces, eating hot dogs and racing from ride to ride.

After seeing the photos recently, I decided I want to take Jolie there one day and re-live all of the memories I have from my own Disney experience. However, let’s be honest, planning a luxe trip to Disney World is overwhelming, to say the least. It’s an expensive trip even if you choose the no-frills options but if you want to do the luxury route to Disney, you have to be prepared to splash the cash. Here’s how to plan a luxury trip to Disney World that both you and your mini-me will enjoy.
Opt for the Luxury Disney Resort
Yes, you could save a fortune by staying at a non-Disney resort but for me, if I’m going to travel halfway around the world with a baby, then I want to live, eat and breathe Disney when I get there.
Don’t Wait in Line
You can’t buy happiness but you can buy a fast pass. When you imagine the joy and excitement of going to Disney World, I’m pretty sure it doesn’t involve standing in line for hours but the good news is that the cost of Disney World tickets actually includes a fast pass in some cases so you can skip from ride to ride in record time!
Cherry Pick Activities
You don’t have to do it all! It’s easy to fill every moment with Disney antics but you will have one cranky little person and one frazzled mama by the end of the trip. Think about the activities that you will treasure the most and skip the things you are only half bothered about.
Be Ready to Book MONTHS in Advance
There’s a reason Disney allows you to book a dinner table reservation 180 days in advance and it’s because while you want to enjoy once in a lifetime experiences, so do the other 47833 Disney visitors. Get in there quick, you didn’t spend hundreds of dollars to miss the chance to transform your little one at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique did you?
Add in Non-Theme Park Days
There’s only so much theme park excitement I can take before I’m all theme parked out and so to avoid that frazzled what were we thinking phase of theme park life, it’s wise to plan in some well earned time off. Orlando now has a Four Seasons which has panoramic views of the park. It has a spa. AND childminders. SOLD.
Taxis, Ubers and Minnie Vans Oh My
If you wouldn’t wait in line for the best ride in the world, you really shouldn’t wait in line for something as boring as the theme park bus to take you back to your Disney resort. If there is anything you should be throwing money at, it’s your journey home. Bypass those hours waiting in line and get an Uber, a Lyft or a Minnie Van.
Rent the Disney Strollers
You may be tempted to bypass this option but when your child is flagging after the 455th ride of the day, you will be glad you have your trusty stroller. Unsure if you need a stroller? Rent one. Child passed the stroller age? Get one. You’ve been warned.
VIP Tours
Now, this is quite the swanky option for those that don’t love the planning part. Organizing a Disney trip is something that should be planned with military precision if you want to see all of the best bits, eat in the best places and see all of the shows and performances. There should be spreadsheets, folders, and itineraries. If all this seems more tiring than the park itself, you can freelance it out to a concierge that will take you on a VIP tour and you can have all of the fun without all of the planning. You’re welcome!
Who wants to come to Disney?
*This post was kindly sponsored by American Attractions but the opinions expressed in this post and my love of Disney World are entirely my own.