Things You Will Only Get if you Work from Home


Exhibit A: Breakfasts that no one can judge you for…

Second Breakfasts (and endless snacks)

No YOU ate cake for breakfast. So because working from home comes with the added perk of setting my own working hours, it’s not totally unusual for me to be at my laptop at 6am. This is not just because I like to leave my afternoons open for fun things but also because I get loads done on a morning and my productivity levels nosedive around 3pm. So, those of you who know me will understand my need to eat breakfast approx 3 minutes after I’ve opened my eyes so breakfast will be at 6.03am. However, at around 9.30 I wander down to the kitchen to have what can only be described as second breakfast which can be anything from smoked salmon and scrambled eggs to avo on toast to one or two piklets. Ok three. MAYBE it was four. Having no one there to judge your ridiculous breakfast (or second breakfast) choices is nice (3 waffles and a lone slice of edam anyone?) but you can’t hide from those ever increasing numbers on the scale. *tut tut*

The Anything Goes Home Office Dress Code

Getting dressed properly usually occurs around 5.30pm. Until then, it usually consists of a scary combination of gym kit and pjs. Here’s a little run down of my daily routine. Tootle around in pjs until noon, swap out pyjama bottoms for gym leggings. Spend half the afternoon wearing odd pyjamas and gym kit hybrid sans bra. Contemplate the gym. Swap gym leggings for Pj bottoms. Do 4 squats while watching PLL and then retire to bed. Work in between. Obvs.

The Ever Developing Bond with the Post Man

I now know a seizable amount of information about my post man. I know that he likes to do magic tricks in his spare time and is part of the magic circle (jealous), both him and his wife are qualified scuba divers and they like to travel which they do cheaply because his daughter works for Jet2. He likes car boot sales and we both share a liking for sloe gin (he makes his own but I buy mine from M and S in case you were wondering).

Coffee Breaks that Turn into Afternoon Tea

You know how it is, you justify a coffee break with a friend you haven’t seen in a while because what is the freelance life for if not to enjoy escaping the confines of a nine to five every once in a while? Then you end up staying so long that coffee turns into lunch which slowly morphs into afternoon tea and before you know it you’re browsing the cocktail menu and planning a midnight feast.

Errands that Turn into Afternoon Adventures

Starting the day with a quick trip to Harrogate to stock up essentials when all of a sudden, ooh is that a sale in Daniel Footwear? Ten minutes later and your whiling the afternoon away in Weetons. It is very easy to let days slip away from you and for the first few months of being a freelancer most spontaneous errand running activities lead somehow to an afternoon in Bettys. Because. Well. Fondant fancies. Oopsie.

Talking to Yourself (at length)

This has gone waaaaaay out of my control. I think I always have talked to myself (only child alert) but now that I work from home it has escalated somewhat. From analysing the latest episode of New Girl to laughing at my own jokes, out loud, like a lunatic, it’s safe to say I need to get a dog or a pet I can talk to for my own sanity really. I might take my daily ramblings over to Snapchat actually so add me and join in the convo. Username remielund. *air kisses*

Have I missed anything? What do you love/hate about working from home?